Rockstar contest

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This is the first contest at and it is not based on luck . It ‘s based on the number of POINTS you collect . Enter into the contest…

1st Place :

$ 50 Gift Voucher.
$ 15 Hard Cash through Paypal.
$ 20 worth Banner Advertising in for 1 month.
$ 15 worth Link Placement in PR 4 Blog [My Personal Blog] for 1 month.
And Get a Review at my personal Blog.

2nd Place :

$ 25 Hard Cash through PayPal.
$ 20 worth Banner Advertising in for 1 month.
$ 15 worth Link Placement in PR 4 Blog [My Personal Blog].

3rd Place :

1000 EntreCard credits.
$ 15 worth Link Placement in PR 4 Blog [My Personal Blog].

All Participant Will Get their Blog Listed for 1 month !!

How To Get Points ?

1] Subscribe To Feed Via EMAIL .

2] Write About This Contest in your Blog , with a link back to this Post .

3] Add To Technorati Favorites . Click Here To add .

How To calculate Points ?

1] For each Subscription you get 2 point . I mean ,

POINT = 2 * No of Email Subscribed By You [Confirmed Subscription only].

2] For Each Blog Post you get 5 points ,

POINT = 5 * No Of Your Blog Post + Your Blog PageRank .

3] Adding To Technorati favorite will give you 5 more points.

These are the 2 ways to gain points .


End Date Of this contest : SEPTEMBER 25 , 2008.

Finally ., Send an email to after you finished your activities …

Mailing Format :

Name , Your Primary Blog , List of Emails subscribed , List of Blogs that you wrote about this Contest , points earned [optional.... ] .


Techtod contest

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Yes another contest at

This contest is based on POINTS , you get points then you deserve a gift .

Prizes offered :

Cash is offered via paypal or alertpay

For Place 1 :
25 $ hard cash + Bonus Gift
For Place 2 :
20 $ hard Cash + Bonus Gift
For Place 3 :
15 $ Hard Cash + Bonus gift

How to earn points :

Just Blog About . Just a few line of review with a link back to
Point = No of blogs Contain the Post + Blog Page Rank.

You will get points only once per blog . so Dont post in same blog .

Finally ., Email us at after you complete the task . we will update your points often .

Bonus Gifts Based on points:

Contest Open Till : September 30 , 2008.

Contest Prize announcement : October 02 , 2008.


How to getting Traffic to Your Website or Blog

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Getting traffic to your site is key, you can’t make money online if nobody even sees your page right? Well this is a problem a lot of webmasters face when trying to make money online. Getting traffic can prove to be a task within itself, there are so many ways of approaching it where do you start? Well for free advertising there are several approaches, one being word of mouth, talk to friends and family but let’s be realistic that doesn’t make you money you want customers not just visitors.

Well the first place you can go is free classified sites, go and post an ad for free some sites will let the ad run for 30 days, some even 90 days. Search “top ten classified sites” on Google and post free ads on those sites as much as you can, those will you give you a lot of exposure but for maximum results just keep going to new classified sites and just keep posting ads as often as you can. Tedious as this can be in the long run it will pay off tremendously if you do this on a daily basis, most classifieds let you post up to 5 free ads or more, you sign up to 2 sites a day, posting 5 ads per site, each day in 30 day month. Now you’ve got 300 ads roaming the Internet all pointing to your site for free. This will make you a lot of money online with out having to spend a dime.


How to Write Good for Search Engine Marketing

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If you do not recognize the obvious grammatical error in the title, you MUST read this article; I wrote it specifically for you!

If you only have five seconds to spare, just remember the three C’s of optimized copy: be concise, correct and credible.

In 2003, Kathy Kiely published an article in USA Today discussing the impact of bloggers on presidential campaigns. Despite the subject matter, Kathy’s points still apply today, “Many bloggers are not professional journalists. Few have editors. Most make no pretense of objectivity.” I believe many search engine and social media marketers fall into the same category and as a result our industry, clients, their customers and the search engine results suffer.

The Bottom Line

People either do not like or do not have the time to read poorly written content. Therefore, whether you are writing an optimized web page, linkbait, blog entry or press release, it is essential that you write with concise language, correct grammar and credibility. Besides increasing readership, you will make the search engines very happy.

Let me take a moment to state that my mother was an English teacher. Growing up under her watchful eye I rebelled by misusing commas and tenses. Despite being grammatically challenged I managed to become a competent writer, which I attribute to being opinionated and following these simple rules: